Thursday, April 14, 2011


The Defense of Marriage Act is a United States federal law signed into law by the President Bill Clinton on September 21, 1996, whereby the federal government defines marriage as legal union between one man and one woman. Under this law known as DOMA, no state mat required to recognize marriage a same sex relationship. The word "marriage" means a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife and the spouse refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife. I believe that if a persons choices to be homosexual, he or she has the right to be so not only because its there choice but because that's there life and they can live it however they want to. There is nobody to judge you or choice who you want to be. Its your life and live it toexactly how you want. I believe homosexual should be legal and those who don't like or approve should deal with it like other things they dislike or are against. Its not like they're asking them to be homosexual. People need to tend to their own lives and flaws instead of everybody else, its really a personal issue.

Anti-Abortion Billboards

My opinion on the anti-abortion billboards is that they don't have to be taken down but not everybody should be so for them and it. No one can make a decision for anyone, especially if they haven't experinced the situation or the action on whats going on. Abortion are blessing for some. There are pregnancies that aren't planned and abortions are options for the ones who can't and won't provides the proper needs. There are females, young and old, being raped an abortion is also an option for them as a positive aspect. If those "anti-abortionists" are so pained and will go out there way to protest they can take the children who are planned to be aborted and raise them, if not let go and let god. Now the statistics about the blacks...its a bit extreme. African Amercians aren't alone, as a matter of fact whites are only 3% lower. There are BIGGER and WAY MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES THAN WORRYING ABOUT ABORTIONS. The United States are in recession so the money needed for children is barely available. We're in a RECESSION!!